60 Seconds with Sam

Introducing Sam (or Sammy) as our Client Delivery Lead. Get to know Sam better with this quick 30 second interview 🕵‍♀️
Karina Nepia
Meet Sam! Our newest member of the Au whānau.

Q1. Tell us something about your background
I've travelled the world and have a corporate travel background. I love the outdoors, enjoy a DIY project and cooking for partner.

Q2. What's one undercover thing not many people know about you?
I'm an undercover fan of lists, processes & excel spreadsheets!

Q3. What's your Superpower?
Probably speed, I’m naturally a fast person, walking, talking, sprinting (well I used to be a very fast sprinter anyway haha) - I like efficiency and finding ways to do things faster.

Welcome to the whānau Samantha Codnig

#Whatsyoursuperpower? #Auculture #Aueducate