Nau mai haere mai ki tēnei wānanga Kia Rere, Welcome to our learning module Kia Rere. 

Kia Rere

This learning module will guide you through the steps of setting up your digital tools to engage authentically & correctly with te reo Māori  through your digital communications.




20 minutes



Nau mai haere mai ki tēnei wānanga Kia Rere, Welcome to our learning module Kia Rere. 

A few more words about this course

To develop te reo Māori, it is important to hear, read and use the language in a variety of contexts and situations. Kia Rere references the longer whakataukī from Tā Tīmoti Karetu – ko te reo kia tika ko te reo kia rere ko te reo kia Māori - let the language be correct let the language fly and let the language be Māori in ethos. 

Ko te reo kia tika, ko te reo kia rere, ko te reo kia Māori, karawhiua e hoa mā

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